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Testimonial: Solita

Health is a fundamental need for all humans. The amount of innovations in the healthcare sector will steadily grow along with technological breakthroughs such as artificial intelligence. For a software provider and business consultancy like Solita this sector represents a great motivation towards more intelligent solutions. We employ a full house of software experts, data scientists and designers that crave to make a difference in people’s health. We’ve worked in this sector for years, mostly helping hospitals to recover from the ancient patient management solutions.

Thanks to Lean Entries and their mastery on regulations and standards, we are now an ISO 13485 certified software provider and have released our first CE-marked medical device software.

We work in co-operation with esteemed clinics and prominent medical device manufacturers globally.

What comes to Lean Entries, we remain a happy camper on Entries, their digital service grounds, which helps us with communicating compliance to our co-operators and evaluating the regulatory status of new software in our pipeline. Entries is a great leap from analogue to digital in sharing such complicated information. “I know kung-fu!” kind of an experience, as Neo put it.”

Juha Vaaraniemi, Director, Design and Advisory Services

Phone: +358 20 773 9510

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